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(Archived) The Perfect Web PDF

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I just ran across the one thing that I really would like to see in Evernote in another application. Together offers a seemless import of a webpage as a pdf. It captures the background and ignores print stylesheets, maintains most of the links, and even adds the url as a comment in the file - PERFECT. It also installs as a bookmarklet in Safari. I wonder if you all might be able to implement this.


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Eric -

Thanks for the feedback. The OS X client recently added a "Save PDF to Evernote" function to the Mac print PDF options, which gives you some of this functionality. We're working to improve the richness of our note formatting, but want to do so without compromising the portability and security of your notes. E.g. we want to make sure that you don't end up with malicious javascript from a clipped page in your notebook, causing problems in six months. This makes the problem a little less straightforward, but we intend to keep improving.


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Perhaps you would have a suggestion for this task.

I would like to have a full window caputure of a website, including background images and ignoring print style sheets so I can thumb through a directory of sites when I am designing a website. I do not need absolutly need a PDF but I do need:

- Capture the full page even what is off the screen (this is were print to pdf fails)

- It would be nice if the title of the file is the web address

- It would be nice if the URL is put in the meta data

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