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(Archived) The clipper is NOT showing in the Mac Client.

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I've set all the options for the Clipper (the little elephant icon in the menu bar) to show up, and it's not showing up at all.

Has anyone gotten this working at all? I've downloaded this software on 4 different computers, and it's the same on all 4.

No clipper. Please advise.

Arigato gozaimasu!



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You might want to check out this thread: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=6028&p=22850#p22850 . It can take a deactivation and reactivation (of clipper itself, not just the menu bar icon) to make it work. I did this a few times, and now it appears to be stable in that it appears in the menu bar at all times. Others are not quite so lucky, so YMMV.

It also seems to be more stable with OS X 10.5.3 (I was using 10.5.2 when I originally encountered this).


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