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(Archived) Nearby Feature


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Is is possible to get Evernote to add an option to the main android menu that allows a user to select notes that apply based on GPS Coordinates (a nearby/location button). Say I'm standing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC, I'd like to get all the notes from my evernote account that could/do have anything to do with this location (say within a 5-10 mile radius or more). Another example say I'm visiting San Francisco, I get off the plane select Nearby/Location from the main evernote menu and presto all the notes pertaining to San Francisco begin to auto populate my results (ie restaurants to eat at, zoo hours, Giants Stadium address, etc.). Most people are going to tag their notes with Geo information (some will even specify lat/lon), so with all this mapping/geo info in evernote, I'd like to whip out android phone and hit location/nearby menu and have results be returned based on my location.

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To search for notes near your location on Evernote for Android, first, go Search screen. In the top right corner there's a (perhaps not so canonical) location icon. Tapping on that will show your near by notes. You can combine location search with other attributes by selecting the "Advanced search" option from the same pane.

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