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Evernote iOS /iPadOS offline slow

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I recently upgraded to a M2 iPad Pro and set up my Evernote account with 16K notes.  I then downloaded all the notes for offline access. The app became very slow.  Links were slow, opening notes would take 15 seconds to open etc.  Sometimes I’d have to force close and re-open the app.

Today I deleted the app and the data and reinstalled but did not download the data for offline access and it seems to be much faster (so far.)

Has anyone else experience this?  Does offline folders create more overhead?  I thought it would be faster as it would remove the requirement to fetch the note from the web, but the overhead of maintaining a offfline copy maybe canceling out that advantage.

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  • Level 5

Can’t tell. Unfortunately the „Offline“ toggle decided again in one of the last updates to toggle itself OFF again, dumping what was downloaded before.

It is one of the things that repeats itself, showing that nobody at EN HQ gives a ***** about checking even the basic functions before releasing a new version.

Before everything got removed, it was working fine for me.

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