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Dealing with linked notes

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It would be very beneficial to remove and move or delete an actual linked note from the note link. For example. I have a note and I create a note link to place in another note. Once I don't need the information of the linked note, I decide to delete the note link, I should get an option at that point to delete or move the linked note. 


Basically, I use note links as shortcuts to more detailed notes from frequently used notes. When I'm done with those links, I don't want have to go find the note to delete or move it to an archived section. I would like to be able to choose what to do with that linked note from the shortcut and not go and find it. It is basically causing us to have to do double the work when we could complete everything from the note link itself. 


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Note linking simply makes a connection between two notes.  Connecting one note to another was never intended to allow you to control what happens to,  or in,  the connected note.  You could suggest this as a feature to Evernote via feedback@evernote.com,  but it's unknown when or whether it might become available. 

You haven't said which device you want to use for this process,  but on a desktop it would be possible to open linked notes in their own separate window(s) so that they all remain available for further action even if a link is removed.

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  • Level 5*
1 minute ago, James000 said:

absolutely necessary on Android and iPhone

But still unavailable without considerable further development of the linking feature.  Feedback@evernote.com if you think that should happen...

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