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Bug fix ignored, crucial question unanswered by evernote support

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Dear Support,

Give me the perfect clear in your email that you will not reply to my questions until the bug is fixed. But There is something important to either reply before you fix the bug, which I have no idea how long will take. I'm quoting my message I wrote to your email before.


Is there any chance I can get access to my note before the bug is fixed? Because this is my class study note and is very big, without it I am unable to continue my studies, and without knowing how long this will take its very difficult for me to proceed, also I will lose access to my class after a while so the time is of the essence here and I need to know at least approximately how long will this fix take or at least so I have access to the information in my note, (I can rewrite my note if this will take too long but I need to know the time to the fix)

In addition, I am a hacker one registered bug hunter and considering having found a new bug I believe I am eligible for a bounty, right?

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  We're not Support - mainly other users here - and since you didn't mention what issue you're actually facing we can't offer any suggestions. 

Best course of action would be to 

  1. Start rewriting your note in case nothing else works
  2. Post your device,  OS and Evernote version numbers and your Support ticket reference here so we can offer some suggestions if we can
  3. If you haven't already done so,  explain your urgency to Support

- You should be able to find your original query here to copy the reference... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ - if it's not there,  you may not have made a valid report yet.

On a general point - fixing bugs takes time;  95% of which is finding out what's causing them,  and 5% writing the fix.  Initial investigations can take from minutes to months,  depending on what's going on.  No-one can tell you when they'll be finished until they are.

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here is the case I submited https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/3913888. Gazumped, Thank you for getting back to me and explaining more about the way it works here Honestly, I find this. completely unacceptable because myno te is my whole research for my class for university and I have a deadline to submit my essay by end of next month.

Randomly my note just stopped opening and it's a bug. They confirmed it So at this point I'm very confused what to do now. The note is huge to redo the whole thing will take me weeks. Don't they have some sort of cloud backups, or a way to roll back the version of the note? But to roll back just a little bit, because the last version in the rollback options I have currently is when my note was half the size. (I checked already)

Honestly, the lack of responsiveness I received from Evernote baffles me. I was using Google Drive and word documents before to take my notes, and Google was much better at handling support. And I never had an issue with a Google Doc or a word document that would not open this, in my opinion, is not something that mature software should have as a bug, and is very critical. There is no point explaining to you my OS or whatever, because this happens on all platforms, even web platforms And it's universal that a certain note from my evernote just doesn't open while other notes do. And Support confirmed that it's a bug so it's not like there's anything I can do.

This just totally shattered my confidence in Evernote as a consumer because maybe word wasn't as comfortable for taking notes, but I much more trust Microsoft because they at least have call support, chat support. Same with Google. Then evernote that doesn't even reply to my messages and gives automated replies and has users do their job on a forum for fixing issues I understand why they're doing it. Probably they cannot afford something like this, but from a consumer standpoint, it's much better for me to go to a product that has such support.

Most likely will be moving to obsidian in the end, because there is much less users there, and the support is actually responding to them.

The price is free unlike evernote with their constant price hikes, .., + evernote uses sometimes 1gb of my RAM to run which is also way too much, obsidian is 3 times less at least

Also, it would never happen that a note would not be able to open in obsidian, because it's all mark down, Nothing can get corrupted....

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I have online backups for all my obsidian markdown and word files, using google drive auto sync, and google Is a much bigger company, thus I trust then much more for this. And so far, they have not let down my trust ever. With Evernote there is no backups I can even implement to avoid this in the future, and I'm at the mercy of their very slow acting support. I appreciate your help. but I'm a more technical user and Evernote is, I feel like more for not very tech savvy people also, unlike obsidian...

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I see how this is a viable solution to the backup issue, nd ppl will def find ur info useful, for me still, though the support is too atrocious for the price being charged. Google drive and sheets can be used for free, Microsoft office at this point is a staple and u basically have it on ur PC by default if u doing any office work, so while not free, is still an option for note taking, with one note especially.

lastly, obsidian support is much more responsive and there are plugin devs working on solving issues u face. a bug fix from evernote can take months from what I believe, and after repeated tries to contact them, there is no replies what so ever... 

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