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Notelink not goes into correct note when hit from note in notelist that get from Search Result

Go to solution Solved by Mike P,

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We are using Evernote V10 on PC.
When we do a search on the word football - it comes up with 20 notes in the search result.
We go through the 20 notes and in one of the notes is a Notelink - and when  we hit the notelink - 90% of the time it not go to then correct note of the notelink.
If we open the note in a "New Window" - and go out of the search result - then hit the notelink in the "New Window" it works well and goes to the correct note of the notelink.
Is this a Bug and when it  will be fixed?
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23 minutes ago, Gedhe ND said:

Is this a Bug and when it  will be fixed?

This is a fairly long standing issue. It used to work fine in V10 but somewhere around 10.60.4 it started failing. It is not only if the note is in a list of the results of a search but also in any filtered list. It is not only internal links that fail but also the internal TOC links as well. 

Please raise an issue with EN support or at very least give them some feedback (feedback@evernote.com).

You have already discovered one of the workarounds. A slightly simpler one is to directly open the internal link in a new Window. In windows that can be done by ctrl+clicking the internal link.


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This was one of the bugs that contributed to the show stoppers for me. I never pinpointed when it started happening (thanks MikeP), but it seems like it has been broken for a long while. This not only affects word searches, but filters on tags as well. Maybe it will get fixed one of these days.

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Hi MikeP,

Thank you for the tip and it is work great for us. So easy.

I confirm I have  sent this issue about 3 month ago to Evernote support but they answer not helping us much! Also I find that they very rarely reply to questions in support.

That's why I send this issue into this forum and look if someone have a same issue like us.

But for me your tip using Ctrl+ hit the notelink works great for us right now.

Many Thanks.

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