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Can you change the mobile home screen icons?

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With the new update, when you open the app the home screen has search (that is fine), new note (that's fine), new task (I don't use), then smaller links to camera (I do that when a note is opened), scan (I don't ever use), files (I attach to notes), audio (never use), and sketch (never will use).  I use tags a lot, can I change one of these to tags and things I use?


Or the bottom is create (already new note big button), notes (I use), shortcuts (don't use), 

Task (don't use), and Calender (I don't use).


To use tags, I have to click notes then a option for tags.  Can I change one of these numerous links for tags and get rid of the ones I don't ever use?

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  • Level 5*
On 5/17/2024 at 4:08 PM, tntitans21399 said:

Can I change one of these numerous links for tags

Hi.  No.  There are various Android Widgets you could look to install which might give you better access...

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