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Task table - Sort by Tag (of the note), not only by Note or Notebook


The task table view has been a major step forward for anyone using Evernote as a task manager. It is great and gives structure to be able to sort tasks by note oder notebook (of the note, the task is in).

As you might know, there is a long nearly philosophical debate, whether to organize your notes mostly in notebooks or to organize this with tags. Myself, as many others, use tags to indicate projects, clients or areas of activties (f.e. outreach, administration etc.)

Evernote should definitely allow users and followers of both philosophies to get the most out of the new task management functions!

Next to being able to sort tasks in the table view "by note" and "by notebook", it would be very important to also be able to sort them (in a new view) via tag (associated to the note, the task is in). Naturally, tasks would show up more than once, as each note can have multiple tags, but this is okay.

Filter functions, which tags to show, or the ability to view the tasks accodring to the "tag-tree", that you can build (you can set up a hierarchy of tags in the tag section) would he highly appreciated.


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Being able to sort tasks by tags is vital.  Without that the task list is cluttered up and you can't really manage projects well.     I suppose a work around is using notes as projects - but that is really not how I have been using notes.

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On 5/12/2024 at 12:23 PM, baltic-tobias said:

Filter functions, which tags to show,

Just seen in Forum post around (old) Reminders: there are search phrases available that support looking for tasks:


Together with tag:... it is possible to find uncompleted tasks that are marked with a tag:

  • contains:taskNotCompleted tag:=bill

But because this is an other level of usage, I support the need for tag integration to Task tables 😉 


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This is true, you can use searches to find Notes with a task. But if you have many projects (using tags to indentify them) you might have to do a lot of searches. 

There is no easy way either

  • to filter or sort the results by tags
  • to see, when the tasks are due
  • to see the name of the task

All of these things are necessary, if I want to use Evernote as an overwiew of my tasks. It all has been solved in the task views of "Sort by Note" and "Sort by Notebook". Just add "Sort by Tag" ... 😉

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