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Please stop replacing the equals sign with a glyph

Go to solution Solved by gazumped,

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I saw this today when I was taking notes via the web client. It is really annoying, I do not understand who could think it is a good idea to automatically replace equals and note equals signs with glyphs.

If I enter "!=", I want it to remain "!=" and not something else. The same logic applies to "==": I want it to remain "==". If I wanted to use a glyph, I would use one. Please stop this nonsense.


Below is an example of what I mean, an excerpt from one of my notes. Notice the "=", "==" and "!=" after each bullet point:



I am using Evernote Web client on Chromium Version 123.0.6312.122 (Official Build) snap (64-bit).

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  • Level 5*
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Hi.  Typing your text in a  standard note body I get exactly what I type;  doing the same in a Code Block gets me the glyph version - after a number of users have been energetically campaigned for automatic styling.  It looks like adding that to code blocks is happening,  but so far there seem to be no related options.  This being a mainly user-supported forum,  all you can do is feed your thoughts back to Evernote or contact Support and find a work around for the meanwhile - maybe use another code editor where you can switch off these glyphs - and attach its files to your note?

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Thanks for reply, gazumped


a number of users have been energetically campaigned for automatic styling.  It looks like adding that to code blocks is happening

Another sad day for an average Evernote user.

I would understand if this feature was optional and disabled by default (on the principle of least surprise), but to introduce this for everyone who never asked for it, without an option to disable it, is a bit much.

Shame on the project manager and user experience team at Evernote for making this happen.

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