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Repeating (and Annoying) Captchas During Web Log-on

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For the last few days I am running into repeated captcha requests when trying to log in on the web. What am I doing wrong?


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  • Level 5*

It's a pain for a short period - I recently had three in a row;  I entered my user name,  had two captures;  then was asked for the password - and had another.  However it wasn't a major issue - I stayed logged in after that.  I'd guess its the result of increased web security. 

If you find it intrusive,  and don't want to leave a window open somewhere,  then feedback or Support are your only options..

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Hi, Gazumped.

I had exactly the same experience as you. I sent a request for help off to tech support. Here is what they replied:

Hello there,

We're sorry to hear that Evernote is crashing/not loading in your browser. We'd be pleased to provide you with some troubleshooting steps that might help you:

  • Restart your device: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve errors.
  • Sign out and sign back into your Evernote account.
  • Ensure your browser is up-to-date: Make sure your browser is running the latest version available.
  • Check our OS requirements article to verify that your browser version is compatible
  • Relaunch your current browser.
  • Clear your browser’s cache.
  • Switch to an alternate browser.
  • As a last resort, reinstall your browser.

Should you still be facing the same issue after performing all these steps, please don't hesitate to get back to us, including the following information:

  • A screenshot or screen recording of the error message.
  • The device you're using.
  • The browser you're using, including its version.
  • Your browser's console log.


We'll see.

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  • Level 5*

You got the boilerplate response.  You need to send a response (if you didn't already) with as much of the requested information as you can reasonably supply to get on to the next stage - I'd suggest sending them a link to this page too,  because if both of us are having this experience,  a lot of others probably are too!

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