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PDF Export



Hi all.

On the pdf export problems.  I am using the windows version.  I just installed Version 10.86.8 - the notes for this say PDF export has been fixed.  So it seems, however the routine is stumped if you are exporting multiple notes, and a note contains an HTML file (my notes containing html content files are inserted via forwarding emails into evernote).  If you remove the html file content (you need to select - right click and choose delete to remove the html content - otherwise the whole note goes into trash - then retry the export it will go through

I have had to screen shot pdf file front pages and reinsert to the containing note to show the content in the exported pdf, as the current export does not show (as previously) the front page of any pdfs in the notes being exported.  (I export notes containing pdfs of invoices etc, so the "front page preview" of the pdf within the exported notes was usefull.  This does not now occur in the revised evernote).

Hope this is useful.


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Your workaround of removing the HTML content before exporting is a smart move, although it’s certainly not ideal. It’s also unfortunate that the PDF export no longer displays the front page of PDFs within the notes, as this was a useful feature for your workflow.

I found that this issue has been discussed in the Evernote User Forum, and you’re not alone in facing this problem. Other users have reported similar difficulties with the PDF export feature, especially when notes contain HTML content. It seems to be a known issue with the recent versions of Evernote.

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There are a lot of problems with pdf export - and have been for a very long time. If you use Evernotes pdf export, it's a good idea to carefully check the pdf file afterwards, as there is often content/information missing. It's not to be trusted.

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