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unable to create notebook or stack

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Evernote on Windows will say it created the notebook successfully, but it is not there. Killing the process and restarting does not help. Sometimes, I can see the Notebook created and then immediately deleted.

Windows 11
10.86.4-win-ddl-public (20240424105017)
Editor: v178.1.2
Service: v1.103.2

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It would be helpful for the experts here (I'm not one of them)  to know what version of Evernote you're running and what operating system versions you are on. 


Meanwhile, to start troubleshooting, first, check the web client.  Is it the notebook or stack there?  The web version is essentially a direct view into what is on Evernote's servers. 

Second, if the notebook is not there on the web client, try recreating the notebook using the web version.  Did it work?

If you can make and view notebooks all on the web client, then it's likely some kind of weird syncing issue.  If you cannot make and view notebooks on the web version, then something more fundamental is going wrong.  If that's the case, I think it's likely you will need support.

If the web version works, the "standard" advice for syncing problems is generally to delete Evernote.  I would start with the computer for now and put Evernote Android aside for now.  Delete Evernote using Appcleaner (Mac) or Revo Uninstaller (Windows).  Reinstall by downloading the installation file from the Evernote web site, not the Windows or Apple store.  Leave your system open and running to give time for the new copy of your database to download.

If you think you may have information on your local clients that has not been synced with the server, there are some additional steps you should take to avoid losing that data.  I'm not qualified to advise about that since I've never had the issue.   There are numerous posts posted here on what to do that you should be able to find by searching.

Or wait for someone more expert to come by.  They may have other ideas.


Good luck,


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