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(Archived) hyperlinks / email addresses not always showing as links?

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where did you import/copy them from?

Various ways, sometimes by directly creating a note on a windows 7 PC, sometimes creating a note on iPad, sometimes copying and pasting within iPad. As I say, it only seems to have been recently that the links are no longer hyperlinks.

Even the email addresses were capable of correctly firing up my mail program.

Thank you for looking into this.

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  • Level 5*

I think it depends on where you copied from - some applications will identify an email address by putting 'mailto:' ahead of the address for example. When you copy this type of data into Evernote then the elephants know that it is an email address, if the app you copied from is using some other proprietary flag then I'm pretty sure Evernote won't know what it is.

Can you find an email address that is plain text in Evernote and then trace it back to it's source?

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