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Legacy theme

Arek R.


I'm using evernote for some unique features combination but I've no longer fun while using it. I really loved how it looked like years ago - see the attached screenshot taken from the official Tiago Forte yt channel. My idea is to create another theme next to Dark and Light like Legacy or even Custom if I could apply my custom css.

As you can see especially with collapsed stack folders it's very clean and minimal. These changes are mosty very trivial to implement

- dark left panel, light for notes

- settings - checkbox - what  menu items should be visible. I don't use and not going to use a calendar or tasks, but there's still calendar label with blue circle which attracts my attention. It seems I'm forced to integrate my calendar to make this circle disappear

- button New Note - the one the screenshot looks better

- input Search - here I don't have a quick solution

Also more customization are welcome - I never share my notes but I have to see this big button Share all the time 



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I don't understand your talk of css - your example doesn't look like the web version, does the native app use css, and can you customise it?

I love Evernote, but I'm struggling with the recent visual changes.  Who thinks it's a good idea to have a dark grey font on a light grey background?  I can hardly read my tag buttons, the font is so narrow.  I use the triple hyphen shortcut underlines to split my notes up visually, but they're almost invisible now.  Is it because the developers are all under 30 with huge perfect monitors?

[ I've just discovered a (new?) setting for Note Width which stops centre justifying notes and truncating at 80 characters!
I wonder is there are more new settings I haven't discovered to fix the above issues? ]

Edited by Wilf Forrow
Update after finding new setting
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