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Turn completed task into line of text with timestamp so I know when such task was completed (and perhaps also created)



The thing I like about tasks in Evernote compared to any other (google tasks, etc.) is that the task is integrated into a note that I can use for a project, be it a job application, a school exam, a medical treatment etc. so I have many things to do and I need to know when I have completed them. When I mark the task as done it goes grey and inactive, but I lose the important information of when it was completed.

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14 minutes ago, gabrielecaredda said:

The thing I like about tasks in Evernote compared to any other (google tasks, etc.) is that the task is integrated into a note that I can use for a project, be it a job application, a school exam, a medical treatment etc. so I have many things to do and I need to know when I have completed them. When I mark the task as done it goes grey and inactive, but I lose the important information of when it was completed.

It's certainly one of the things I miss from Todoist. I hope some sort of traceability of when tasks were completed will be introduced in the future, but I'm not holding my breath. In the mean time, I would do the following (shortcuts are for Windows)

  • Click the drag handle to the left of the completed task to select the task
  • Ctrl+C to copy
  • Go to wherever you want the record of completion and press alt+ctrl+V to paste only the text of the task 
  • Press alt+shift+D to add the date (and ctrl+shift+D if the time is required as well)

It's a bit clunky but does work.

Edit: For an even simpler solution just click in the task text and press alt+shift+D to add the date - you will know what it means.

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