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Unable to log in

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Evernote App輸入帳號密碼後,出現這樣的畫面,去Evernote網頁版改完密碼後,也是一樣。

Evernote網頁版的應用程式有出現兩次的evernote for chrome,我明明沒有用chrome去連Evernote。




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  • Level 5

You did likely exceed your devices limit. This means you need to unsync a device. The web client counts as well as a device.

If somebody took access to your account - you mention 2 weird IPs - you should immediate change your password.

It can happen that the weird access has used another device (in this case the web client), and now you are above the allowed limit of 2. You only have 2 unsyncs per 30 days.

It can be that to sort this out, the easiest way would be to subscribe for a month to Personal. This will remove the devices and the unsync limits.

Make sure the account fits into the Free limits again before it falls back to Free.


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