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Notebook & notes are disappear

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I am a  PC & iphone user. 

I updated evernote yesterday. To avoied any missing data, I synchronized evernote on PC. but did not do it on my iphone. 

After updating evernote, I saw a message regaring unsynced notebooks or somthing, and I just ignored by clicking "OK". 

Then I realized that some of notes (under 1 whole notebook) had disappeared. 

How could I restore the date back? 

(I am sure I synced the date on my PC before upgrading) 



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Did you update on PC from the old (Windows-style) Legacy app to the new (Browser-style) EN10 client? If so, you may have lost a notebook, that was marked "local" or "unsynced". This was possible in former EN-clients.

If so, you have only one chance to get it back: Re-install the older "Legacy" version (you may find a link in EN-10 - missing features (from beloved Legacy)) because local data of the old version is not removed during uninstall procedures. 

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