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how do i use voice commands on my iphone to open and add into to a note?

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  • Level 5

You can‘t - the underlying framework doesn‘t allow the use of scripting or iOS shortcuts.

Some users have reported that for them iOS Shortcuts work - but I can‘t confirm this. If it does, you can probably create a shortcut that reacts on Siri input. This does not resolve the problem that you still need to tell Siri and EN somehow which note to use, where to add the new content (top or at the bottom) etc.

What works: You can open any note, place the cursor and then use the dictation function build into the app.

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I appreciate your help.  I was looking for hands free.  Thinking even of buying a dictaphone device if I could see an easy was for the text to be imported to evernote.

An example of my goal - Driving in my car, listending to an audio book on my phone, then it makes me remember or think of something.  Then I want to be able to pick it up, make a list etc and then when I stop, work with it in evernote.

Any ideas would be welcomed.


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