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Cut/paste does not work from one note to another

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I'm incredibly frustrated - I just cut a note from one Evernote and tried to paste it in another, and the cut content disappeared. It wouldn't paste in the app, or on the web browser, and when I tried to paste the content into an email to save it, it was nowhere to be found. Evernote made my important content disappear and I'm so, so frustrated. Apparently I can't restore it unless I PAY FOR IT, which at this point I have NO desire to do after seeing that Evernote is already an unreliable product - and a SIMPLE one at that. I needed that note for work and now it's totally gone w/no way of restoring it unless I pay the hostage fee. I will not be using Evernote again and will be telling my team about this so they stop using the app as well. Google docs is legitimately better than this. And free.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  If you and your team are all using Evernote for business purposes,  it would seem prudent for at least one person to have access to email support and note history.

There are many ways for content to disappear when cutting and pasting,  but 'undo' should be your first thought if there's any issue.  The fact that Evernote keeps a constant history of synced notes would seem to be a useful safeguard to have - if you're not willing to pay,  even for a months' upgrade,  to get access to it,  that's not something I can help with.

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Yeah, I'm just not going to pay for a product that's already unreliable, it wasn't a good enough experience to begin with. If there was a feature I wanted but couldn't access unless I paid, that would be another story - but I think it's a pretty poor business model to force me to pay to get my free content back.

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  • Level 5*
3 minutes ago, CssdyChrchll said:

I'm just not going to pay for a product that's already unreliable

I copy and paste between notes without issues,  and from your comments so far It's not clear what caused your problem.  As to free - this is a very low use / trial version that is not meant for the type of use it sounds like you're giving it.  If you want access to the history feature,  you need a subscription.

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