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Notes lost using Android widget ?

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i used evernote with mobile version for Android for many years. Now i got a big problem 

I insert my notes through the fast note option in the Android widget. The notes are accepted and no issues appeared.

Then  i opened the App and it looks like i was not logged in... all my notes introduced in a month are lost. I loged in again.. made a test and everithing looks work again but ... after some daysi noticed again the same problem. 

I would like to leave Evernote because this bug is not acceptable to me but i cannot even download the present notes in a file.


any help or suggestion?



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  • Level 5*

Hi.  You're posting in the Teams (business) section of the forums about (apparently) an Android issue.  Please confirm your device,  OS and Evernote version.

I don't understand what you mean about the 'fast note' option in Android - how and where exactly are you saving your notes?

There are no export options on mobile devices - are you able to log into your account on a desktop?

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Thanks for your answer,

As 'fast note,' I meant to say I generally use the widget to add a note. A sort of pop up appear and I add a note without opening the app.

This method worked for weeks before I noticed, entering the app, I was not apparently logged in. Once I log in I noticed the latest notes were not present at all. But the nots were "accepted" and no any warning appear.

My device is a OnePlus 10 running Android 13. Evernote is 10.52.1

I tried to access with a desktop version but couldn't log in because I saw there were 3 device connected, one was web version. So I cancel it... 2 times ... And Evernote said I could not add our cancel any other device.

I had to subscribe 7 days free trial to log in in the desktop version.

After searching a lot I found a program Evernote2Onenote (something similar) to transfer the notes on OneNote. Finally this was done.

I like Evernote in it's free version but cannot accept the risk to loose notes again.






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