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Attempting to simplify linked note's HTML content freezes app

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Exactly what the title says. I realized that some HTML content that got saved looked empty, and instead of trying to re-clip it I was going to see if the simplified version of it had the saved content. But each time I've tried to click the button to "simplify and make editable", it just freezes until Evernote detects the app should be restarted. On top of that, the interface gets extremely slow when trying to interact with the note.

You can see the note at: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s2/sh/600d6694-2527-45b7-bc7d-d456f5eb8427/MFNatGg2PZCbNl5fGQsd4d6YZ4AQszI8tuMF9kiZTgvkpo6qMj-PJAi7pg

It's supposed to be the content of: https://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2018/01/dude-you-broke-the-future.html

My main theory of what's going wrong is that the original clip tried to save a HUGE number of comments (as the page is very long when scrolling) instead of just the article text, and that's causing Evernote to choke since... well, frankly the new Evernote app has a long way to go in terms of performance still. (though it does make me happy to hear interviews about how much of the team is working on stuff like syncing and performance so I'm hopeful it'll get better over time, and it's definitely gotten better since the original v10 release. OOF that version was rough) I can easily make a new note with just the simplified article, but I wanted to report this behavior with the specific example to hopefully give the Evernote team a concrete item to work with for optimization.

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  • Level 5*
On 6/10/2023 at 7:13 PM, FreezerburnV said:

the original clip tried to save a HUGE number of comments

As opposed to you choosing Article / simplified / selected text?

I took a look at the standard Article grab and got the full page plus comments at 3.8MB.  No obvious missing bits.  Depending on your choices,  internet speed and processor ticks,  clipping such a big chunk of anything is going to be challenging,  particularly if you then ask the nice app to translate whatever it captured into a wholly other code.

IMHO clipping is not something which can be 100% reliable given the different methods used to get things online,  and the dfferent access and copy protections applied.  I tend to use screenshots / printing to PDF and any other tools I can find if clipping doesn't work out for me in the usual way.

Thanks for the link though - I'm a Stross fan (a Strossianite?) so I'll read the address with interest.

Dude, you broke the future! - Charlie's Diary.enex


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As opposed to you choosing Article / simplified / selected text?

Something has to take the article and convert it to the simplified version, even if it's the browser you're clipping from. The fact that the web clipper can handle this but the Evernote application can't isn't particularly great. Also this clip was made years ago, I think before "simplified article" was even an option.

Also even if it takes a while to process 3.8MB of content... I would still expect that to be done in the background and not freeze the UI of the app. I know that modern Evernote is just a browser, but Electron (and browsers) absolutely have access to tools to process stuff in the background. Or the ability to submit a request to an Evernote API endpoint to do the conversion work on their end and then just replace the note content once it's done. Lots of options here.


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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, FreezerburnV said:

and then just replace the note content once it's done.

I envy your blind faith in technology.  If you're still confident this is a bug,  I'd recommend that you contact Support - while staffers do read posts in the forums,  they may not get around to this one for a while.

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I envy your blind faith in technology.

I've been a programmer for 10 years, I know a thing or two about options that can be taken, performance of computers, etc. The issue here isn't hardware or anything, it's organization-based and probably legacy code-based. I literally can't even imagine what EN's devs have to deal with in order to make something like this work better.


If you're still confident this is a bug

Any operation that can be performed in a UI that freezes it should be considered a bug, even if at its heart it's a performance issue. This is largely here for EN employees to eventually see and use as a reference for optimizing/fixing stuff... someday. Not like this is something urgent, as I literally just made a new note by clipping a simplified article note.

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