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My note has appeared to revert to a previous version. Any help?

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As the title says, my note that I had a lot written on has reverted to a previous version. That version is about a day old I believe. 

In the evening today, my stuff was there. But a sudden power outage later, my computer restarted and I got back to Evernote but it had the old version of my note.

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  • Level 5

Hi, and welcome to the forums. I've seen other reports here of a system power-down resulting in Evernote getting confused about the most recent update of a note. Note history is maintained for all accounts, free and paid, and while it is not continuous there's at least a chance that your recent edits are there. Access to the history is a paid feature. If you have a paid account, note history can be found in the ... menu next to the Share button at top right of every note. If you're on a free account, you could subscribe for just one month in order to get access to the history, then drop back to free.

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