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After the clast update I've been running into this.

I mistped legally and I was the next word. I right clicked correct and this is what I get. 

His purpose was to educate me as to whether "legallyal " can
There have been many other instances where the following word gets captured and morphed into something like above. Especially when it's with dealing with a comma. 
Can I reverse the last update or is there another solution?
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  • Level 5*
9 hours ago, mcmartin27 said:
Can I reverse the last update or is there another solution?

Hi.  You posted in the Teams forum - I assume you're not a Business user?  Please confirm your device.  OS and Evernote version so we can move you to the correct place.

Plus.  If you reread the post above it would appear that spellcheck is still not your friend.  If you open Settings and Application,  'check spelling while typing' can be switched off there...

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