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Picture Shows On Mobile Version of Note, But Not On Computer?

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I created a note and added a picture to it by taking the photo with my phone from inside the note. So now when I see the note on my phone, it shows up properly. But when I go to that same note on my computer, the picture is not there - just a blank space. Ironically, the pic shows in the thumbnail for the note. Just not in the note itself.

How can I fix this? I'm using an iPhone 11 and MacBook Air and the latest version (just updated) of Evernote.

Evernote PIc Not Showing.png

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Perhaps the thumbnail is saved as a separate 'minified' image and the data from your phone (the larger/full-sized image) didn't finish syncing to the server before you quit or navigated away from the Evernote iPhone app? I dunno - just a guess. If you've had the app on your phone open for a long while and you have a good internet connection, then that probably isn't it.

What about the note file size limit of 25 MB (for Free users anyway) -- any chance you hit that?

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I am sure their sync has become much more reliable, however the visual part may show the older version instead so that you have to switch to the other notes and switch back, or restart the app in order to see the most up-to-date content.

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