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Evernote does not recognise that app has been deleted.

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I had Evernote free on my mobile and my tablet but, when I purchased a second phone and installed the app,I deleted it from the tablet. However, Evernote still seems to think I have it installed on more than two devices and tried to get me to go premium and will not let me use the app. Can anyone advise me how to resolve this?

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  • Level 5

You need to unsync the device from your account.

Actually the best way is to log out of your account on the old device, and then use the other device to go to your account settings, tab devices, and unsync the old device. The devices page must show only 1 active device.

After you cleaned up your account, install on the new device, and try to log in.

In your case if you still have the old device follow the procedure posted above. If not use the working device to unsync all other devices, except the one that is still working. Only then connect the new one.

Don‘t play around with unsyncs - there is a limit of 2 unsyncs within 30 days. When used up, you need to wait or subscribe to lift the block.

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