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Autocomplete works incorrectly in Cyrillic tags

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Not sure if this has been already reported, but this is clearly a bug that disrupts my workflow a lot.
If i have a tag that has Cyrillic "б" as a second letter,  like ".библиотека", when I type ".б" in input field, when I hit "б" this triggers form submission, instead of filtering and proposing the values that start with ".б"
As a programmer I can suggest that event.code is used instead of event.key to specify the keys, that trigger submission (Enter and comma). And because in Cyrillic key with code Comma actually is used for the 'б' letter, submission is triggered by 'б' letter. I suspect there may be problems with other language layouts too.

It's also quite strange that I can't cancel typing the tag by pressing the Esc button, but that's another thing.

I hope this will be fixed ASAP because it's quite annoying


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  • Level 5

This is definitely a problem worth reporting. However, these forums are primarily user-to-user, and Evernote staff may only occasionally scan them. To get the necessary help from Evernote's developers, it would be best to open a support ticket if you are on a paid subscription: in English, https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. If you don't have a paid subscription, you can try using the Feedback feature within the Web client (on the drop-down menu when you click your account name). Or subscribe for one month in order to report this issue.

In all honesty, I have observed a number of cases in which Evernote does a poor job of supporting non-Roman alphabets. Lack of right-to-left support is one notorious instance.

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