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I use Evernote on mobile for many years. In the last month of so, I have a problem: when i create a note, and write a title, let's say "Buy food", the note loses part of the title and is saved as "B" or "Bu". Even if I correct it and validate it again, I get the same issue. I end up having to create notes in the computer. I am using 10.34

Anybody has this issue ? Any possible solution ? I tried to disconnect, clear all the data on the mobile and reconnect, didn't help.

I also have some issues with synchronisation from mobile to PC, doesn't work so well.

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  • Evernote Expert

I think you have asked this in another thread. We try not to doubled post. Thanks.

The advice to the other thread was to completely uninstall, restart the phone, then reinstall. 

If that doesn't work then contact support by opening a ticket.

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