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Skitch won't snap what I selected

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I've been using Skitch for about 10 years on my Mac... I use it 50+ times a day!  I have it mapped to Mac's cmd-shift-5 and cmd-shift-6 and it's been working forever.  All of a sudden it doesn't work today.  I either use the hotkeys or select region/screen from Skitch itself and all it does is take a picture of a blank desktop background.  I've rebooted, restarted Skitch, and even checked screen recording privileges and nothing helps.  HELP!  I need Skitch!!  What am I missing?  I'm running Monterey pretty up to date (maybe a patch behind), but things were fine yesterday!  

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You don’t need Skitch. You may need a screen clipper, but Skitch is a piece of outdated, hardly supported software. On the Mac they release exactly one version per year, to keep up with MacOS changes. The iOS app has not received a single update in 6 years. And that is the level of innovation the whole app is breathing.

This said, I run Skitch on my MacBook Pro with Monterey 12.3.1, and it clips the front window, no problem there. I just checked to be sure it still works - because I hardly ever use it any more. No tricks applied, Skitch is enabled in Mac settings, Security, Privacy, Screen recording.

Maybe you have installed or modified another app that has now hijacked the functions Skitch needs. No idea.

My next step would be to uninstall and reinstall the app.

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Thanks for the reply, PinkElephant.  :-)    I agree, Skitch is rather old and lacks features, but it does integrate well with Evernote.  I like the tools it provides as I tend to do a lot of circling and pointing things out to customers and co-workers.  What do you prefer to use?  LightShot seems like it might work, but I haven't installed it yet.  Do you have a free option with all the features (more?) of Skitch?



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Turns out it was another item in the Security & Privacy, Screen Recording pane.  An unchecked item I've never noticed was there: j8rpq294ub.com.skitch.skitchhelper.  Don't know where that came from and why it wasn't already checked, but checking it allowed Skitch to work again.

And no, LightShot didn't fit my needs.  :-(  


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On my Mac I don’t have this additional item, I just have an option called Skitch. And it works with this item allowed in Mac preferences.

For screen shots I use the menubar app „Shottr“.

Modern interface, has a bunch of editing options including a selection blurring (which was the one feature I really liked with Skitch). In addition it has a „Rolling screenshot“ Feature, which comes very handy on long documents or websites. You place the cursor, select the direction (up or down) and it automatically scrolls til the end/start while grabbing the content. It produces a picture, not a web clip.

If you only want to clip into EN, create a folder, link it to Shottr and connect it as Import Folder in EN to a notebook (similar to the Skitch notebook). Then every clip goes to that folder, and the folder grabs the new file and imports it into EN.

Personally most of my screenshots do not end up in EN. So I send my Shottr clips to a Screenshot folder on my desktop. If I want it in EN, I change the file name (which will become the note title) in Finder and drag & drop it on to my EN import folder.

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