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Tell us what version the update is for in the pop-up

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I get a pop-up when there is a new update available. But the pop-up doesn't say what version number the update is for. 
It would be useful to know what version update you are offering, so I know whether I want to update or not.

For example, my response would be different if the update was for 10.33.41 or 10.34 or 11.0 or 11.1. 

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  You can always reject the invitation and do an internet search for more information - there's usually a release announcement in the forums,  and major releases tend to get a mention in Evernote's blog.  Better though to reject when the invitation first appears,  but go for the update at some later time when you're not using Evernote immediately - the revisions will be for bug fixes, new features and security issues,  so always worth getting as soon as possible.

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