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More Color Options!



I've been using Evernote since 2014 and it used to have a lot more colors :(. I'm a big color coordinating person (I'm an educator now) and with the 14 colors provided (5 of them being grey scale) I find myself using it less because it's no longer fitting my color needs even with the highlighter options given. Even just providing a color wheel to select from would be awesome! 

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YES! YES! YES! I love version 10 EXCEPT for the limited colors and the font families. Why, Evernote, did you take this away from us? I've been using Evernote for almost ten years. PLEASE bring back the color wheel. That would help TONS! I'm also NOT impressed with your highlighting system. We need MORE options!

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It can't be hard to build in a comprehensive colour picker. I use colour in my notes and the default selection does not match the colours that I was able to use several years ago. Each monthly update brings new features, but rarely anything I need, but I do need a better colour picker. To use my preferred colours, I have to go to an old note, select a couple of characters in my preferred colour and style, paste them into a new note, then in-between these two characters paste the new content hoping that the colour will be picked up and also remembering to delete the two characters. Not an efficient way of working.

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You noticed that this thread has been silent for a year now. Which means that you may be convinced you need more colors, but you are pretty alone with this demand. I would not count on anything to happen on a feature request with currently one ( 1 ) upvote.

So you better adapt to not having more or other colors. Once you decided this is now as it is, and use it, you will find out it serves you, and you don’t need a change any more. Why ? Maybe because obviously nearly every other user does the same, and there is a long list of more relevant issues.

Don‘t like this answer ?

You can contact EN directly:     Feedback@evernote.com

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