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Sync bug? Apple upgrade bug? Windows 10.28.3-win-ddl-public (3151)

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I experienced my account being blocked cause I pased my monthly quota the other day.

Been using Evernote since 2009. It never happend before. And only 7 days into the accouunting-month ?

Turns out a meeting minutes i were making with a few screenshots have been duplicated more than 1000 times - until my quota ran out and disabled my account. Been using evernote only on windows lately, but I occationally also use it on Mac. I cant understand how this has happend other than it must be a sync issue...

So as I use evernote to manage everything worth saving... I needed to quickly  upgrade my account so it would be reenabled again - only to find out I cant. My subscription is yearly via Apple Appstore. It runs til june, and I can not upgrade - or cancel until then - so I am totally stuck... No more evernote for me... until mid february at least, when my quota resets, and then - for how long until it repeats?


Bård Ove 








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