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HELP! Evernote Stopped Working on 10.19.2 for the Mac

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I'm running Catalina on Macbook pro, version 10.15.7.

I upgraded to the latest Evernote desktop app for the mac which was 10.19.2. 

It has completely stopped working. A error window keeps popping up. 

Here is a screencast of the error that I get everytime I try to load Evernote for the Mac. 


Please help me fix this issue. I have years of notes in Evernote. Luckily, the web version works well. Its just that my app on my desktop has completely broken down and is not working. 


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Hello Virgil,

Thank you for posting. I just found your post as I have the exact same issue on my Mac Air with te latest version of Evernote, running on Mojave 10.14.6. The same window with the exact same message (showing in Dutch) keeps popping up on top of the Evernote start-up screen (see attachment) and the only way to get out is to kill the process. I recently upgraded to Mojave because I wanted to use the latest version of Evernote. I also removed Evernote and did a new installation but it doesn't 

I truly hope this will be resolved soon.

I am on a paid plan.


Edited by Annalies
Adding having a paid plan
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Hi I'm on the paid subscription plan. 

The menubar I cut off because it has some of my personal information. 

But that popup doesn't even open up Evernote. Thus I thought it was unnecessary to include the menu bar. 


I keep pressing restart Evernote and/or the quit button. It doesn't do anything but it keeps popping up. I have to basically force quit it everything just to stop from popping up - which is very annoying. 



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  • Level 5

If you can't access the menu bar, you need to do a complete uninstall. We need to get rid of probably broken system components.

Get the app AppCleaner from the internet.

Use it to uninstall EN. When the list of related files show, make sure to check ALL for uninstall. Scroll down in the window, check everything. Then uninstall.

Go to Evernote.com and install the app fresh from there.

Open it, log in - and now let it sync. Don't start using it until the initial sync is through.

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