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New quick note needs to be fixed it is not serving its best function



Quick note on the new evernote exits to a your home screen every time you click on it preventing you from doing a screen shot on your current screen say during a meeting with a presentation or for slides for school or online learning. It also creates a new note every time  you use it versus a continuous note. If I have say 50 slides to go through for a single lecture or presentation why would I want 50 different notes from the same lecture versus one with all of the pertinent information. The ability to have a continuous note that I can add subtext to and have running is why this is more useful in this context than evernote web clipper. 

Lastly, what is the point of having a screen shot feature on quicknote if the only thing you can get a picture of is your laptops wallpaper... I think the argument for why that it an issue is self-evident. 

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If I remember it correctly, the „wallpaper clipping issue“ could be solved by checking some boxes in the Mac‘s settings, security, tab privacy. There are many sections there, go through them all and check every box related to Evernote or Evernote Helper that shows.

About creating a new note from each clip: It is called a quick note feature - so it cuts as many corners as possible. The downside is less control. There are AFAIK 2 possible ways to work around this:

  1. Use the quicknote feature to grab everything. Then use the note merging option to make one big note from the many little ones. The new merging even allows to change the sequence of the notes before merging them.
  2. install the legacy client, which can be done side by side with v10. Enable the helper tool in legacy - you can use it in parallel. It creates new notes in the legacy client, which will be synced via the server to the new clients as well.
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The main issue I have is that it has lost some of its best features and using legacy is a temporary and unsustainable fix due to the fact that you are risking compromising the security of your laptop for a feature that should be present on the update. 


You shouldn't have to go through the hassle of merging 50 notes to recreate a feature that already worked. Plus, this means that you have to add personal notes under each slide after the fact or write it out in a separate note which then brings the 50 individual notes to 100 easily. I don't see how saving a few seconds initially justifies spending minutes after the fact. And if my numbers seem exaggerated, I'm sure I'm not the only person who has had to go through a lecture consisting of over 60 slides up to even 80+ for a single class. 


This also doesn't address the issue that when you open the new quick note it exits the window you currently have open meaning that you can only screen capture from a minimized window. If you look up evernote quick note the evernote youtube video (posted on evernotes youtube channel) shows them clipping from a minimized window (this is definitly a bug not a feature in my book). How does this make the process faster if I can't screenshot my window I currently have open and on top of that the image will be smaller and getting the screen shot is more cumbersome. Lastly this presents serious issues when you consider the fact that you are trying to keep with a lecture while executing this time consuming process.


If the new evernote quick note could at least allow me to make quick notes and screen shots on my current full sized window I can handle merging after the fact but other than being more responsive the new quick note slows things down and adds extra to a process that was pretty much painless prior.

To the developers, please at least let quicknote stay on the same window you currently have open so I can at least avoid having to minimize my window before taking a screen shot, the extra steps can be tolerated but this extra unnecessary step of going to a new window (which does also increase the amount of time it takes to start using quick note)  needs to be fixed. Until that point I have to use legacy just for this one feature. 

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