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Please build logic into the Windows App for "Internal Links"

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If I create an "Internal Link" on iOS, it does not come out in the format expected by the Windows App for internal links. Please add logic to the Windows App so if I click on an internal link created in iOS the note opens in the App and not in a new Browser window. This is a productivity killer for those of us who use lots of internal hyper-linking.

This or make the iOS App generate genuine Internal Links of the format "evernote:///..."

And as always, keep working on stability and speed of the windows App. I found a work around in Windows by turning off certain protections in Windows Defender. This made the Windows App probably run 2x, but it's not fast enough still.

Thanks for a great product that has been a big part of my life since 2010.

-- John

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Re: v10 speed enhancement via defeating the CFG protection. Please note, there is a trade-off between protection and performance in the work-around. It would be mitigated a bit if we were able to disable this protection just for Evernote only, but I didn’t see Evernote in the list of selectable apps. The real fix, I think, is for Evernote to program in such a way that this protection mechanism is not triggered, if this is possible.

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