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'Scan a document' vs. 'Take a photo'

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A note created with 'Scan a document' shows a generic image in the notes view. A note created with 'Take a photo' shows a nice preview of the image. Please fix the 'Scan a document' case!! BTW it's not just Android, it looks the same in the Mac client. (I guess that's the advantage of a common code base. What looks wrong on Android looks wrong everywhere.)


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I just wanted to post a separate bug report, but I think it is linked to your topic/discovery. I also have a couple notes that were created with the "scan a document"-funktion. They all show the same, generic icon.

But more important (to me): The "documents" were not OCRed, at least the text in the images isn't showing when I search words from these documents. I noticed this today, when I was looking for one of the documents. Then I tried three "document-scans" (all showing printed text in a good quality): I couldn't search for any of them with search terms inside the foto.

I was wondering where that came from, but texts photographed as "foto" are searchable.

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