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Tags in 10.8.4 - Clarification of Release Notes Please

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The new release (10.8.4) certainly seems to be a step in the right direction for tag users. In the release notes there are three items that effect tags in the sidebar.



- You can now right-click on tags in the sidebar for quick access to more options.

- Tagging is now even easier. Drag a note from the note list and drop it onto a tag in the sidebar to apply that tag.

- You can now drag-and-drop tags in the sidebar to create nested tags. It’s one more way to stay organized.


The second two work fine but for me there is no right-click option. However I note that you can right click tags in the main tags window which I believe is new functionaility. Is this what the release notes are supposed to be referring to?

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Yes - I found that confusing as well. "right-click on tags on the sidebar" is the confusing phrase...I suspect, like me, that you assumed "sidebar" meant the left hamd pane with the notebook list, etc.

As far as I can see, if  you left-click on "Tags" in the left hand menu pane, that opens a Tags dialog panel, where if you right-click on a particular tag, a menu opens giving you options like "Create sub-tag", "rename tag" etc.

Sounds like a matter of terminology. It might be good if more images were included with the release notes or they were linked to a video showing the functionality...?

And perhaps there should be a set of definitions as to how different parts of the EN interface should be referred to e.g. what the "sidebar" is?

Having said all that, I imagine this release must go some ways to helping those whose workflow is built around Tags (personally, I make minimal use of them) but it seems EN is responding to feedback.

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1 hour ago, AdmiralP said:

And perhaps there should be a set of definitions as to how different parts of the EN interface should be referred to e.g. what the "sidebar" is?

Agree completely. The confusing thing is that the other two references to the sidebar are for the sidebar (as I understand the term) so it is reasonable to assume that it is referring ot the same thing in all three cases. The arrow at the bottom of the sidebar does say "collapse sidebar" so that is the terminology I'm using.

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2 hours ago, Mike P said:

Agree completely. The confusing thing is that the other two references to the sidebar are for the sidebar (as I understand the term) so it is reasonable to assume that it is referring ot the same thing in all three cases. The arrow at the bottom of the sidebar does say "collapse sidebar" so that is the terminology I'm using.

Well spotted! I note from the Keyboard Shortcuts panel that the other way of opening that Tags flyout from the sidebar is Ctrl+Alt+5.

I suppose if you could right-click on "Tags" in the sidebar to get that list of tags displayed, you should also be able to right-click on "Notebooks" to get similar functionality,...

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