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Thumbnail/Snippet View image not being refreshed correctly when image replaced in Note for iOS devices

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I understand that we have no control over which image in a Note is used for the Thumbnail/Snippet View (there is some internal algorithm that determines which one to use). However, starting with iOS v10, there is an issue where the Thumbnail/Snippet View image is not being refreshed correctly when the only image in the Note is deleted and a new one is added. I am currently running with iOS v10.3 on an iPhone 12 and iPad 10.5 2017 and both have latest iOS 14.3 on them, but this issue was happening with the previous iOS 10.x versions as well.
Steps to recreate the issue:
  1. Create a new Note with one image in it, we shall call this “Image A”.
  2. Save and close out of the note, I switch back to the All notes view 
  3. Result: Thumbnail shows for Image A in the iOS view [see first pic attached]
  4. Delete the image from the note, so there is no longer an image in it.
  5. Save and close out of the note, I switch back to the All Notes view
  6. Result: Thumbnail goes away/is blank in the iOS view [see second pic attached]
  7. Add a new image in the note, we shall call this “Image B”.
  8. Save and close out of the note, I switch to the All Notes view
  9. Expected Result: Thumbnail shows for Image B in the iOS view
  10. *Actual Result: Thumbnail shows for Image A in the iOS view - and this image is not in the Note any more [see third pic attached]
*It should be noted that the Thumbnail correctly shows for Image B in the Windows Legacy view (I don’t use Win v10). However, the iOS v10 view thumbnail does not get changed as expected.
Update Jan 18 2021: Additional Info
I am noticing the wrong thumbnail image seems to be IOS specific for me in that it is only wrong on the IOS device (iPad or iPhone) where I originally created the new Note. So, for example a new Note via iPhone (v10) will continue to show the wrong/original thumbnail, but the iPad (v10), Web (v10), and Windows Desktop (v6 oirg), after a sync, will change to the "correct" image based on whatever algorithm is used by EN to pick the thumbnail (which is not necessarily the same on every device, but that's a whole other issue).





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I am having similar problem in my iPad (iOS 15.7). This is not the case in my iPhone (iOS 16.0.3). To work around the issue, I had to duplicate my note from the PC (which had the correct thumbnail), sync and later delete the one with the wrong thumbnail in my iPad. 

PS: I usually create my notes in my PC (Windows 11) and view them on my iOS devices.

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