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A helping hand with meeting notes (before and after meetings)

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Hi all, 
I'm using a setup at work consisting of Google Calendar + Google Drive and Evernote. 
I would like to achieve the following:

Opening my calendar for the day I see my upcoming meetings and in some smart and synced way I have easy access to the corresponding presentation, private notes, documents etc. 

When going thrue a day of back to back meetings it would be really convinient to be able to access everything related to the meeting via the calendar or some other clever way. 

Thank you in advance for your input

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  It is possible to set up that sort of system in Evernote as follows

  1. set up your individual meetings as separate notes.  Keep any correspondence,  presentations etc as separate files on Google Drive,  or separate notes.  Create a link to each item and save those to the main meeting note.  Tag the note with something significant like <meeting>
  2. as each separate note is completed,  use 'copy note link' to embed the link onto your calendar in the appropriate date,  and/ or use Evernote's Reminder Date process to set up an in-app reminder.
  3. at the start of each day,  go down the diary list of links,  or do a search in Evernote for notes with a reminder set for that date to see your list of meeting notes.
  4. open each note in order and use the links to view the content


  • you may need to ensure that your meeting location has power and wifi available,  depending on what device you're using
  • beware using the same device for viewing documentation and also trying to take notes 
  • beware also using two devices linked to the same account to view documentation on one and take notes on the other - both will sync back to the same server and may cause some data conflicts!

-Better to take notes separately (if they are necessary) and maybe by hand - take a picture of the note page(s) to add to the original note.

Others may have better ideas!

Create internal note links

Add a reminder

How to integrate Evernote with your calendar


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