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Syncing issues with version 10.2

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I created 2 important notes this afternoon but they have absolutely disappeared and I cannot find them anywhere. I’ve looked in the Trash, did a search using key words in the notes, and looked on Evernote Web without any success. I created the notes using an iPhone 8 Plus, Evernote version 10.2. The activity log from today is below:

[Sun Dec 06 2020 13:47:50:0458]  WARN: conduit-core:  Service did not return a snippet for note c3f9cfb1-95ed-b862-dbd5-393ec48fbeb4 [native code]
[Sun Dec 06 2020 13:47:52:0965]  WARN: conduit-core:  Service did not return a snippet for note c3f9cfb1-95ed-b862-dbd5-393ec48fbeb4 [native code]
[Sun Dec 06 2020 17:44:32:0765]  WARN: conduit-core:  DataConsumer.runConsumer caught error undefined is not an object (evaluating 't.params[v.prev]')

Any advice on how I might be able to recover the notes? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank You.

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  • Level 5

No idea. The error codes say there was probably content not received by the app.

Either the content was a problem (depends on what was clipped), or something went wrong on import. Maybe there is something left deep in the share function, but I would not count on it.

To eliminate problems with the iOS installation, you can do this:

  • Uninstall the app, dump all data
  • Switch the iPhone completely off, wait a little, switch on again (Apple logo must show)
  • Reinstall the app, log in, and now wait until it has completely synced
  • Thanks 1
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17 hours ago, goguma said:

I have been having this same issue for the past 3 days now

I’m really sorry to hear that. I think I will use Evernote Web as much as I can until the issue is resolved. It seems like there is a bug in the new iOS version 10.2 because there was nothing unusual about the notes that I lost. They were just like my other thousands of notes and I’m not sure why all of a sudden Evernote could not sync them or save them to the Evernote server. Very perplexing. 

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