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Lost entire local notebook upgrading

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  • Evernote Expert

The instructions on moving to version 10.x do say that local notebooks are not supported. You need to export them first before making the switch.


Fortunately, the v10 installation does not delete the complete file structure of the original legacy version of Evernote.  So, if all goes well for you you should be able to return to the way things were and recover your local notes by reinstalling the legacy version...


I wish you well and hope this is successful.

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Thank you for this @agsteele

Following the steps given by Evernote in the update process, I downloaded my Local notebooks as a batch of ENEX files. Unfortunately, when I tried to import them back into the new version, only one of the notebooks had exported, resulting in a loss of many notes.

I used your link and reinstalled the previous version of E'Note, which had all my Local Notebooks intact.  I then "moved"  local files to new (non local) Notebooks* .

I can now upgrade to the new version without needing to export/import my Local Notebooks again.

(*There is probably a way to change a notebook from Local to non, but I couldn't find it on my desktop version. Moving them as groups of files to new Notebooks was quick.)

Hope this helps someone else who is feeling the panic of lost Local notes/notebooks!


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