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(Archived) Importing 2.2 notes

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Select Note > Import from main menu and browse for your 2.2 database file (*.enb). Notes will be imported from the database into separate notebook in your EN3 account. Original database will remain untouched, so you will be able to continute working with it in EN2, if necessary.

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There is no Note item on any of my Mac menus!

Sorry, I was under impression that you are talking about Windows client, as Evernote 2.2 is available on Windows only.

The only way to import 2.2 database is to use the Windows client.

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That surely is a missing need. If I use the 3.0 Windows client, will the online notebook sharing pop the notes into my Mac version?

Of course, you can use Windows client just to import the notes initially. After you sync them to the service, you will get them on your Mac client, too.

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