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Scanning from Notebooks / Moleskine / Others



Is there a way to solve the following problem in Evernote:  I have a notebook that I regularly scan into various notes depending on what they refer to.  For example, Page 1 is meeting notes for work project X.  Page 2 at the top is notes from my home remodel.  Page 2 at the bottom its notes from my meeting with my insurance guy.  Page three is a reflection I wrote while having coffee and want to go into my journaling notes, etc.  Four months later I’m trying to remember that meeting from my insurance guy.  I realize the note didn’t capture the notes that ran onto the next page - that had a critical phone number on it.  I don’t know where that other page - the journal entry -  was scanned in because it was arranged by topic and don't remember the sequence of events from that day four months ago. And I can’t sort by date because all these high-use notes are updated regularly and neither "Sort by created" nor "Sort by updated" will get me there.  What I need is the ability to virtually flip through this entire notebook front to finish and see all the notes that have been scanned in from it - just like a book view - but without scanning the whole thing a second time.    

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32 minutes ago, JDS88 said:

What I need is the ability to virtually flip through this entire notebook front to finish and see all the notes that have been scanned in from it

Does your scanning process generate sequential filenames; like scan001 scan002 scan003   
This would give you something to work with?

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58 minutes ago, JDS88 said:

I use the evernote app to grab jPegs so they are visual within the body of the note. 

I just used the Evernote app on my iPad to insert an image into my note
The image filename is Evernote Snapshot 20200208 120341.png

Using my Mac, I can save these attachments to a file folder - they will be in sequence

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Thanks for catching this - I just checked an image on mac and don't see how to find the file name once its in a note.  

I think what I'm looking for is something more like the Evernote Moleskine but where the images from the book are aligned by the page number it catches in the image - or some other signifier code on the paper that always says what page and book its from.  I'm not sure how robust these partnerships are but it seems like it would be easy enough to do with a QR code or something similar on each page.

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