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(Archived) Can't listen to RealAudio .ram files





I use Evernote extensively for learning purposes, and among other file types I have dragged and dropped .mp4 files into Evernote notes and they work fine. Now did the same with .ram files, but Evernote does not play them. They open up in a file preview window (same as with the mp4's) but I am not able to produce any sound.

Suggestions, anyone?

What am I missing?



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  • Level 5*

Probably a silly question - do you have Real Audio installed on your computer? Can you right click (or control click) and see the 'Open With' menu?


Not silly at all: I do have RA installed, and if the file ram-file in in the file system, it can be opened with RA. This is not however what I want..



Now I was in fact silly: the .ram file is probably just a file instructing the Real Player to contact mother ship and start streaming the specified file... The picture/icon of the ram file in the EN note has a button for preview... but that is nothing else than FInder Quick Look, which is why I can play mp3's directly, but not ram-files, because Quick Look does not handle Real Audio. However, using context menu Open with.. works.

Silly me, consider this case closed.



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