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Search in tag drop down list (Share Sheet)



Hi all,

I’ve recently been exporting my GoodNotes into Evernote. The process is to open a GoodNotes notebook, Export (to PDF), select the notebook, then you can add tags.

I use the TSW methodology by tagging the heck out of my notes. Currently, you have to scroll to find your tag. I have 100s. You can skip to a letter on the right, but I would like to be able to start typing and have the tags appear.

Option 1: do a dynamic search where the list hones down with the letters contained in my search as I type

Option 2: as I type, skip to that area of the search list.

I hope that makes sense.

I LOVE the integration between GoodNotes and Evernote. This would be a nice feature to improve it even more.

Thank you!


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1 hour ago, MattyLadd said:

Hi all,

I’ve recently been exporting my GoodNotes into Evernote. The process is to open a GoodNotes notebook, Export (to PDF), select the notebook, then you can add tags.

I use the TSW methodology by tagging the heck out of my notes. Currently, you have to scroll to find your tag. I have 100s. You can skip to a letter on the right, but I would like to be able to start typing and have the tags appear.

Option 1: do a dynamic search where the list hones down with the letters contained in my search as I type

Option 2: as I type, skip to that area of the search list.

I hope that makes sense.

I LOVE the integration between GoodNotes and Evernote. This would be a nice feature to improve it even more.

Thank you!


Do you prefix your TSW tags?  For example, I use ! for the actions, = for people, . for projects, I used @ for location but stopped when I found that didn't make sense for my use case.  Anyway, if you prefix with a character it is easier to find tags when adding them from either the note panel or Shift+Alt+T.  FWIW.

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Thank you for the replies! I edited the title as recommended. 

I do prefixes, but I have tags for customers / opportunities I've worked with. There are over 100 of those. I would like to be able to have the search box that the standard tag dropdown has.

Best Regards,


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