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Clipping is displaying cookie/GDPR notification instead of content


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I'm trying to clip this web page using Chrome on Android. But only the cookie/GDPR message is being clipped, and the footer of the website. There is no body content.

To repro:

- Open https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-brain-prefrontal-cortex-attention-emotions/ in Chrome on Android.

- Share the page to Evernote.

- Select "Clip full article".

- Open the note in Evernote and "Clip again". This doesn't help.

Is there a way around this, without manually copy-pasting the content?


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  • Level 5

Hi, Laura, and welcome to the forums! If I understand your issue correctly, this is probably to do with the Web client for Evernote rather than the Android app (even though you're using Chrome on an Android device). You might get more useful advice on the Web client forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/235-web-client/.

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