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(Archived) Error opening a notebook via IE7

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I've reported on this before, but have some new information...

I've got a notebook in EN3 that will not open in IE7. It returns "Unknown exception (com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: JavaScript SyntaxError exception: Out of memory) during operation (Note query)."

Under Firefox, the notebook opens without error.

The new stuff: Under Safari 3.1 for Windows, the notebook opens without error.

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Some more new stuff when I tried to open the notebook-in-question today (27-March-2008) in IE7: I get the "Working" throbber at the top-center of the page, but it occasionally flashes the "Out of memory" error I've been seeing. The notebook opens... sort of.

The particular notebook contains some large notes (which 2.2.1 handles without problem). I get the same error in ANOTHER notebook which also contains large notes.

Unknown exception (com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: JavaScript SyntaxError exception: Out of memory) during operation (Note query).

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