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Annotation Needs Improvement

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Hi everyone - a few feature requests that I was told to post here... 

I upgrade to Evernote premium largely to be able to mark up PDFs with my Apple Pencil on my iPad. I've noticed significant limitations. 

First, it's quite cumbersome to switch between interaction methods (e.g., highlighting vs. handwriting) - it's cumbersome to have to click several buttons and make multiple selections to highlight vs. write. This just takes too long when you have a lot of reading/writing. It would be hugely helpful to have multiple notation style icons that remain on screen so you can just click one button to change interaction style. 

Second, navigating the PDF while in a highlight mode is cumbersome. I realize you can use a two-finger scroll, but more often than not evernote fails to pick up my intention and simply remains put. Sometimes, if I don't hit the screen with exactly two fingers at the same time, it highlights or writes all over the page. In other notation programs, such as PDF expert, this isn't the case - it's much more effectively optimized. 

Third, you should consider adding some sort of highlighting tool other than just a marker. In Kindle, for example, highlighting behaves differently, and I can actually look up a list of highlighted text on a separate page. The evernote version simply treats this as me "drawing" over the text - there is no "smart" interaction. 

Fourth, formatting does not get "saved" when switching between notation modes. For example, if I click on "handwriting" from the highlighting mode, the font color stays yellow rather than reverting to black. Same with adding text - the text color would be yellow, rather than remembering my setting that all text should be black. This means that even after navigating menus to select "text" after "highlight," I have to change formatting every time I switch back and forth (font size, color). This is obnoxiously time consuming and inefficient, and I can't quite figure out why anyone would want it this way. 

In short, PDF markup is hugely import - for students reading articles, professionals, etc., and is a core feature of evernote premium, yet it behaves very poorly, even after months of the Apple pencil being on market. Can we expect an updated interface and notation feature set coming soon? This is critical to my use of evernote premium. 


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