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Jeff Brown

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  1. Me too, and it still is. Like I said, I am committed. Evernote just doesn’t realize that THAT is how it’s customers use it. It’s where Evernote came from. It was always billed as your digital filing cabinet, never forget anything, etc. Then it wanted to be a writing app. They’re are writing apps that ARE writing apps. Evernote is NOT (and never was) a writing app. It needs to get back to its roots and it’s core users.
  2. I pay for Evernote, I was in several of the betas, I am an Evernote Certified Consultant. Heck, I am user number 403,301. I know this because they thanks me for being one of its earliest users. So I’m committed. But the fact is, after Phil left, the whole company has lost its vision. It doesn’t know what it is anymore. It needs help. It raises prices (one can only assume because its losing money) with very little added features. Evernote was a fantastic app it it’s day. Unfortunately that day has come and gone IF they continue on this path. I firmly believe that Evernote can come back and hold its place at the top of productivity apps but only if it changes its philosophy NOW. Wait any longer and apps like Bear or Google Keep will take over. Come on Evernote, step up your game!
  3. Evernote, which touts its tags and search based on tags so much, doesn't include adding tags in it's new document capturing app? This makes no sense. I see from above that Evernote is listening and we are not the first to ask for this feature so props to that. But seriously, why would't this be included from the get go? Tagging wasn't included in Evernote's own built in document camera so I just assumed that this new capture app would include it. Nope, so far this seems to be the same document capture camera (albeit without Evernote's signature green color and instead has it's new fancy blue color) rolled into it's own separate app. At least for now. So instead of capturing with the Evernote app and then opening the note to tag it, I am now expected to open the Scannable app to send it to Evernote, and then open Evernote so I can open the note so that I can tag it. Makes perfect sense to me. :/
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