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Got the ScanSnap 1300i

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I have entered in sewing patterns as well as a few other notebooks. I sync the cell phone and and my kindle fire. My problem is that the information does note load and says that  need to connect to wifi.  The stores I shop in do not  have wifi so I can't get the information I need. The kindle screen is bigger and I would like to use that instead of smaller cell phone. The Kindle does not have 3g like my phone. Am I missing something?


Hope you all have a Happy New Year. I look forward to using Evernote more in 2014.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  You've found that your information is only available when you have an internet connection,  which is normal for any device that doesn't have substantial local storage (like a hard drive).  If you do have sufficient space in local storage,  you can specify that one or more notebooks are enabled for offline sync,   which means the contents are available even when you have no connection,  like in your local store...


Edit:  PS Happy New Year!

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  • Level 5*

Have a look at the Evernote app on your 'phone.  If you're looking at a green screen full of notes,  swipe to the right to view the grey main page and choose 'notebooks'.  Now you should be looking at a list of all the notebooks in your account.  Each name will have a triangle mark on the right lower corner.  Tap that and you get a list of options for that notebook.  One of those will be Enable Offline Sync.  Tap that option then go back to the list of notebooks.  Tap the 'three dots' menu at the bottom of the srceen - tap 'sync' (make sure you're connected to the network,  preferably your home wifi).  Give it a few hours before you try to use the offline notebook for real - it may take a little while for the notes to download.  (This is the Android process - YMMV with other devices)

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